Monday, July 30, 2007


ya'll that can come to my blog i made it so you can post BUT plz don't thank you


Jane said...

That's weird. I was sure I commented on the last one. Anywho...

Thanks for thinking of me! And don't worry. I won't.

I'm hungry. I should probably make dinner, ay?

Oh, and have fun on your camping trip!

Jesse said...

thanks and your welcome and i will:)

Jane said...

My brother's eating a chunk of frozen cheesecake.

Jane said...

Whoa! you need some good convorsation. Hmmmmm...

Do you like monkyes? My daddy likes chimps, but I just like monkeys in general.

Jesse said...

yeah i do i need to updaite but i don't know what about so........... yeah that:)

Rushin Drill Sargent said...

Wow This is a really livly conversatoin!!

Jesse said...

OH YEAH BIG TIME!!!!!!! it is a lot of FUN!:D

Ruth said...

Wow, you peoples...So Jesse, whaddya think of coming down for me birthday? With your whole family...sound fun?!:D

Go+ said...

Yea it sounds like fun :D

Jesse said...

YEAH!!!! That would be FUN!!!:D

Ruth said...

That's good! I thought so too! It would be WAY fun!!!!

Rushin Drill Sargent said...

Ya It would, Wait What?