Welcome to my Blog have a good time !!!!!!!!
I took some pic of my obsidian the one that is not done that is the one that I was making
that is the one that I was making^
this one is the best one of the 3 that is what I want mine to look like
Posted by Jesse at 11/09/2007 10:08:00 AM
OH those things? Those were cool:D when you showed them to me at camp anyway they were....so when are you gonna let me try it?:D
WHOA! That's way way nifty!
What are they used for?
Hey Jesse, what on your blog is breakable anyway? Like....do your eyelids twitch when you have muscle spasms??:D sorry...random question thrown in for no apparent reason....:D
Those are sweet as!I wanns try doing that.:D
This is now Green...just so ya know
Hey Jes! What's up with ya lately?
I have peen sick for A long time I am geting better now I got to eat to day) sorry it will not let me login
I am Jesse :)
those are really cool
they're shinny, sharp and .... what's the word,.... aha, Beautiful!!!
good pics.
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