Thursday, June 21, 2007

A update!

I may not be updateing in tell august so not saying update! all te tine in tell than. I do not know what to update! about right now so THARE!! and from now ON thar thall be NO Anonymous. if Anonymous dose not like that you can you AWAY to some one that likeks you ok cool. and if you all have a probelo with my spleeing I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!! who knopw i mit pos more so you do not have to read this all of the time.

AND FAITH I DID NOT SAY THAT YOU DID IT SO NOT SAYING THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!


Anonymous said...

Hi jes what did you mean about Anonymous? i did not quite get that.....and YAY I AM THE FIRST TO COMMENT!!!

Jesse said...

Anonymous is no more that is what i mint

Unknown said...

hiiii jes!!!!!!!!!!!!! zup?????

Anonymous said...

who ever anonymous was/is LEAVE JESS ALONE!!!!! *angrey face*

thats just mean

Ruth said...

Jesse...........I'm not going to say anything HERE about your spelling, but at camp in a few days.....if you spell like that... u in trouble, boy! Ok, maybe not........

Ruth said...

Ok, you haven't been spelling so bad, I'll admit. Good Job, Jesse!

Anonymous said...
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Crocoagator_Raaa said...

Jess you are coming to my house soon,ok.And then you can eat my food in my house and I will let you ride my bros motorbike,ok.

Jesse said...

ok sweet that will be fun win will i come?

Crocoagator_Raaa said...

umm soon as I get some money and I can get Joanna to drive me up to your house or or or your family could come to my house and we can all eat my food and ride our motorbike and play in the pool and cut down trees with my Dad...but otherwise ASAP as I can get to your house.Does that makie sensey's?

Jesse said...


Crocoagator_Raaa said...


Unknown said...

can i say that i want to come to WA in the WORST way?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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